I started playing piano when I was 12 by looking up chords to songs I liked and playing them on a cheap keyboard. My passion for music kept growing from there, so over the next couple years, I expanded my repertoire to include some classical and jazz pieces as well. Around age 16, I developed an interest for recording music, particularly for composing electronic music. I also finally started taking lessons in that period instead of learning online and by ear, but that only lasted a few months.


In the 17 to 19 age range I also made an effort to learn bass, guitar, and drums as well. My first friends in college were largely people with whom I wanted to jam and record–I learned a lot from meeting people this way.


After a few more years of fine-tuning my style and honing my skills, I was selected to write music for an indie game company. That was likely the peak of my passion for making music, since I was recording original songs near daily both for fun and for work. That sort of drive slowly left me after I left the game company, but I still love music. Like, I still regularly practice piano and work on my improvisation skills, but it’s been a while since I’ve last recorded anything particularly high-effort. I still believe that if I were to make more musician friends near me again, or if I was hired to make music for a specific purpose again, I would start leaning back into it, but I’m not in any rush for that to happen.